“You are what you eat”. It’s a statement we always hear, and though it’s true, it's not the full picture of our health. Everything we’re learning in gut health shows that we are also the microbes we feed.
Of course, we know that gut health plays a crucial role in our digestion and immune health, but the gut is also deeply connected to our minds and emotional well-being. The gut and brain interact so closely and so frequently they have been linked to mood disorders. No wonder your gut is called the second brain!
Every food choice we make impacts our gut health, which, in turn, impacts our brains.
How do we ensure we’re feeding the right bugs in our gut? What are the latest discoveries proving our gut health has power over our emotional well-being? In this episode, I discuss the gut-brain axis and why it’s important for our health.
We are not only what we eat, but also what microbes we feed. Being intentional with our food choices extends way beyond the size of our waistlines to the depth and extent of our mental and emotional wellbeing. -Dr. Deepa Grandon
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- 90% of your serotonin comes from your gut
Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter that controls mood and brain function. Does our gut have more to do with its production than we think? - Don’t overlook the gut-brain interaction
Trillions of organisms call our gut home. How do these interact with each other and ultimately impact every aspect of our health? - Parasites are good for you
We’ve been taught to associate parasites with something negative, but do we need parasites in our guts to be healthy?
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